The Ayuda Foundation is our vehicle for putting back from our commercial success. With a heart for the suffering, marginalised and displaced through war or natural disaster, our aim is to provide targeted funding for well-designed and audited projects. Our ethos is Christian but our support is not dependent on any religious or political orientation.
Our Foundation was registered with the Charities Commission in 2004 as Portland International Charitable Trust but as our business was later rebranded Ayuda, so was the name changed to Ayuda Foundation. We have worked with homeless and socially excluded in our Greater Manchester home. We have completed hands on projects in Uganda and provided funding for projects in other impoverished communities. Our international focus is on helping victims of current humanitarian disasters, especially with the provision of trauma counselling and resettlement of homeless.
Our philosophy has always been to earn money from the wealthy by way of provision of much valued professional services and now international broking activities and to channel that through our Foundation to those that most need it. Many of our golden asset holders who hope for redemption rates reaching Trillions are invited to donate funds through us and have a hand in administering them in line with their own wishes.
We support existing charitable organisations such as Community Foundation of Greater Manchester, Audacious Foundation and The Message Trust to deliver their missions in the local community which have a focus on reaching out and healing lives broken by poverty, drugs, alcohol or crime.
Recent catastrophes in Ukraine, Turkey and Syrria in particular have led to suffering on such a monumental scale that it would be easy to accept that our efforts are a drop in the ocean. However, there is always opportunity to find targeted means to help such as coaching young people to become self-sufficient sooner or providing trauma and grief counselling with volunteer counsellors both for the victims and the aid workers themselves.
Our mission is Christian at its heart, focussed on spreading the good word of Jesus Christ in everyday lives. A message of hope in what sometimes looks like a hopeless world, giving comfort to those who mourn for loss of all kinds. Church means the whole worldwide community of Christians but our home church, Audacious with 6 UK campuses in the UK is the focus of our church building and planting efforts. Finding more resource in both people and money is our God-given mission.
Ayuda Group Ltd
Company Number 02756474