We didn’t get where we got without be stubbornly determined did we? We didn’t give up when the going got tough, we just got going, right? We had a vision, a dream, a goal and we fixed our mind on that, we just carried on doggedly towards the goal. Maybe it was a new job, completing a difficult project, a hook or by crook determination to get married, have a baby or perhaps move house or move city, start a new life. But how do we best react when the goal is not getting closer, when it appears even further away and is eluding our grasp? Do we reinforce our efforts or do we just give up and pursue a different goal?
I suggest that in some ways the steely determination of the successful modern women can also be our worst enemy. We are strong fighters, we are not daunted by the challenge ahead, are we? But to become fixed on our goal should not mean we become fixated; to be focused should also not mean that we become myopic.
So when does the blessing of all that fierce determination and will power become a curse and how can we recognise that perhaps the universe is telling us that we need to stop, re-evaluate our goals and redirect our energies?
Perhaps we need to reframe our thinking about the process of changing direction. Instead of feeling that we have simply given up, or at worst failed, we need to think that we have simply let go of the need to control the outcome of our quest. This creates several new possibilities.
Giving up in our own strength may mean that we can allow a higher power to take over and help us to achieve the goal. If you are a believer this might mean putting it into God’s hands. Sometimes when we acknowledge that we have come to the end of our own strength to achieve our goal, we can be filled and inspired by a far greater power which can show us a new perspective on our situation or even give us fresh ideas on how to move forward.
Conversely humbling ourselves to give up can release us from a burden which was not meant to be ours in the first place, maybe one that was placed upon us by societal or family expectations, but not one which was destined to make us happy and fulfilled.
This is why I like to frame this whole issue as one of ‘Letting Go’ not of ‘Giving Up’. Giving up sounds quite devoid of hope whereas Letting Go is the opposite. Letting go can actually allow a transformational change in your mindset and allow all sorts of new possibilities and resources to flood in. And it might just allow you to achieve your goals in a different way or achieve a slightly different goal but in a way which will give you more joy and peace of mind.
So have a think ... what is it in your life which you may be so doggedly holding onto or pursuing which you know in your heart of hearts might actually be holding you back? Think limitless possibilities and opportunities and trading in the need for control for the joy of release.
Then – right now – just let it go. And see what happens. See the universe respond to your renewed trust in what is best for you.
Melinda Beckett-Hughes
Ayuda Group Ltd
Company Number 02756474